ICCA Roadshow in Bangkok: The Rise of Arbitration in Asia

ICCA Roadshow in Bangkok: The Rise of Arbitration in Asia


Month: January
ICCA Roadshow in Bangkok: The Rise of Arbitration in Asia
ICCA Roadshow in Bangkok: The Rise of Arbitration in Asia

The Thailand Arbitration Centre (THAC), together with HKIAC are pleased to announce the co-organized, “ICCA Hong Kong 2024 – Thailand Roadshow” on 30th January 2023. Attendees are welcome to join virtually or physically at THAC(26th floor Bhiraj Tower (EmQuartier), Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok Thailand).
Panelists will share their valuable insights and experiences as they discuss the rise of Arbitration in Asia, and Asia’s significant in the field of international arbitration.  Our panelists will also provide an overview of ICCA 2024 and highlight why ICCA 2024 is relevant to arbitration practitioners based in Thailand! 
The discussion will be followed by great opportunity for physical networking event with our distinguished panelists and esteemed experts in international arbitration.
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